Be creative for you

About us

LyLuLe Creative 4U:
A talented team in 3D at your service

Lylule creative 4U is a team of experts in 3D (characters and objects creations, rigging, animation, …)

Combining our skills allows you to get a solid service in 3D for your project: movies, cartoons, video games, …

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3D Object Integration

For movies (motion tracking)

3D Environment Creation

For movies, video games, cartoons...

Assets Creation

Creation of any object, vehicules, weapons,...

Layout and Storyboards

For movies, video games, cartoons...

LyLuLe Creative 4U:
Experts skills for your digital creation projects

Character Design

2D concept arts

Character Creation (3D)

With or without animation


Human, robots, vehicules,...


3D movies, Live action movies, Cartoons...



Thank you for your contribution to VFX. It was a great adventure.


Pierre RASAMOELA - Virginie KAHN


Our research team entrusted the production of scientific educational videos to the company LC4U. The experience was very positive. We greatly appreciated the listening skills of our correspondents, their very good understanding of our issues, the tremendous creativity of the entire team and their remarkable technical skills which made it possible to produce products that fully met our expectations (and even exceeded them!). The ease of contact and their responsiveness were also major assets in our discussions. Thank you for this great work!

Take a look at the videos!

Equipe de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnell

EREN (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

Contact Creation digitale

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